Custom Firmware 1.50 TME - Timemaschine Edition by PSP-Man96
It's for 150_340 Timemaschine
TME Features :
-Versionname(1.50 TME - Timemaschine Edition) -Recovery menu in M33 style -Toggle USB function in Recovery menu -Skip Sony logo -Hide corrupt icons -Hide UMD-update icon -Autorun program(/PSP/GAME/BOOT/EBOOT.PBP) -Autorun UMD -Fake version(1.00, 1.50, 1.50 TME, 1.99) -Fix gameboot -Use screenshot(R + []) -Run program in Recovery menu(/PSP/GAME/RECOVERY/EBOOT.PBP) -XMB Plugins(10 plugins) -GAME Plugins(10 plugins) -Format flash1 and reset settings -CPU Speed VSH(20, 75, 133, 166, 222, 266, 300, 333) -CPU Speed GAME(20, 75, 133, 166, 222, 266, 300, 333) -Button assign(0 or X) -Reset, Shutdown and Suspend in Recovery menu included
1. Copy EBOOT.PBP to a root in /PSP/GAME/ 2. You must install 150_340 again 3. Starting the updater and press X to install or R to exit DONE!!!You have now 1.50 TME !!!